ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, any member of the public may address any item listed on the agenda. Anyone wishing to address the legislative body should submit a speaker card to the City Clerk at or prior to speaking. Speakers shall keep their comments to no more than three (3) minutes.
3. CLOSED SESSION PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND CONSIDERATION OF DISMISSAL AND RELATED ACTIONS Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Title: City Manager 4. ADJOURNMENT - The next regularly scheduled City Council meeting is Monday, April 12, 2021.
ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Pursuant to Government Code Section 54954.2, any member of the public may address any item listed on the agenda. Anyone wishing to address the legislative body should submit a speaker card to the City Clerk at or prior to speaking. Speakers shall keep their comments to no more than three (3) minutes.
3. CLOSED SESSION PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AND CONSIDERATION OF DISMISSAL AND RELATED ACTIONS Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 Title: City Manager 4. ADJOURNMENT - The next regularly scheduled City Council meeting is Monday, April 12, 2021.